
Something old, something new, something green, something Thien


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  • My sister will turn 21 in 14 days.
  • Going to Nepal tomorrow for a week. Momos, monkeys, and trekking - here we come!
  • Made vegetable meals 3 times this week.
  • Have been productive in programming.
  • Had my first 5-star hotel experience in Bangalore. Thank you Marriott for the free nights and the executive suite.
  • Crawfish will be plentiful and cheap this year - cannot wait for a crawfish boil.
  • Less than one month until the Vietnamese New Year. This will be the 15th year I won’t be home celebrating with families. Nostalgic!
  • Finally found out where my favorite Indian cookies are sold - right across the street from the apartment. I have been hunting for them for 3 months. Boom!
  • Not everybody in the world use toilet papers. Many use water and left hands instead. Not sure what to think about that (I miss my Charmin Ultra Strong).
  • Raspberry black current smoothie at Cafe Colombia is addictive.
  • Learned a few Nepali words.
  • Bunster got some creepy blisters playing soccer with his coworkers. Last game he scored a goal with his head. And sprained his hand a little too.
  • Thien’s camera is a champion. The thing survives a 3 feet fall directly onto the rocks in Hampi.
  • Favorite new band: KUAN
  • Will be going to Turkey for a month in mid Feb.
  • Heard some great news from my mom. So proud of her and so happy for her.
  • Cannot sleep well without Misa… Murrr.
  • The music didn’t play until 10 at night on Republic day.
