
Something old, something new, something green, something Thien

What Am I Up to? No Good!

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Today I want to curl into a ball and roll around. But I can’t since my bed is too small and the floor is too hard (and roaches run on it sometimes too). How I wish for some oxtails to gnaw on right now. This meatless land is making me weak and restless. My teeth are itchy. I have becoming increasingly bite-ty. Maybe in another month, even BoBeQue (hehehe) will start to sound good. Num num. Nom nom.

So I and the Bunster have decided to make a trip to Nepal the first week of February. I’ve been planning nonstop for the past week. Now when I close my eyes, all I see are travel search engines and currency converters. The cranky Bunster is excited to go but does not want to hear about any of the planning. Oh well, don’t complain when Thien leads you to a place that serves mountain oyster and tell you that it’s fried cheese stick. Hah! Num num. Nom nom.

I will go chant Pancakes and be happy!
