
Something old, something new, something green, something Thien

Hello Again

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It has been too long since I last had a blog. Typing these first few lines seems rather silly and unfamiliar.

This summer has been a mixture of suspense, rush, and leisure.

Adam is still waiting patiently for his employment visa from the Indian Consulate in Houston. Since May 21, 2014, Cox & Kings Global Service (CKGS) is the only authorized Service Provider for the Embassy of India and its Consulates across the USA for Indian Visa. The process has been more than painful. All the paper works must first go through CKGS before they send it to the Indian Consulate. Forget competency, forget sanity, forget reason. Don’t be surprise if they still ask for a tax form (which was not listed in the required documents) after you already re-submitted the dang form three times previously. Seven weeks have passed since Adam first submitted the lengthy paper works. Still nothing. Imagine of having to deal directly with pure bureaucrats once on Indian soil! Should I start “praying” for our survival?

As much as I am excited to experience India, I am starting to get wary about this trip. I cannot even apply for my entry visa until Adam get his. Who knows how much longer they will drag it out since I was not born here (naturalized citizen takes longer to be processed than American-born). There is a chance that Adam will be finished with his 6-month assignment and I am still visa-less. Hah!

Oh well, at least I am still alive and well for another day. Just a weekend with coconut chicken waffle and yummy beer, and all the blues will be away.
