
Something old, something new, something green, something Thien

A Maharashtrian Wedding - the Ceremony and Reception

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An Indian wedding usually spreads over a few days with different functions and rituals. Although a Maharashtrian wedding might be the simplest in the country, the list of ceremonies is still long and too complicated to describe.

As co-workers/friends, we were invited to attend the last day of the wedding. Upon arriving, each of us received a tiny package of colorful rice grains. At first I thought they were wedding favors; but later I found out that they were to be thrown upon the couple at a certain part of the ceremony. Being as short as I am, all the rice landed on the poor guy’s head in front of me (sorry, Shridhar).

Pooja was a graceful and beautiful bride. When she and Saurabh made their entrance, all the young people (and some elderly people) surrounded them and started to burst out moves to the live band music. The colors, the sounds, and the vibrancy were unbelievable. The ceremony followed did not take long (I must admit that it was hard to pay attention when I could not understand most of what was going on). I felt like a monkey, clap and throw rice and ooh-ahhh when everybody else did. Worked out well enough though.

Afterward our team presented the couple with our collective gift (a piece of gold), posed for pictures, then came out to the patio for the reception. We must give big thanks to Shridhar for guiding us through all the confusion and giving disapproving looks to people who tried to cut in front of us. While we fill up our hungry tummies, Pooja and her husband sat on the throne inside the ceremony room to accept more gifts and blessings. How awesome is that?

It was spectacular to be able to witness the official joining of two souls. We were very thankful and honored to be included in such a beautiful and special event.

Live long and prosper, Pooja and Saurabh!

You are cordially invited

First order of business, picture time! - Photo courtesy of Shirish Padalkar

Handing out packages of colorful rice

The ceremony room with the throne on the stage

The band

Get your groove on! - Picture courtesy of Shirish Padalkar

Pooja & Saurabh - Picture courtesy of Shirish Padalkar

With love, from the Thoughtworks team - Picture courtesy of Shirish Padalkar

The reception without the newlyweds

Vegetarian treats

The other couple
